Have a wonderful and animal friendly Christmas dinner

 'To all our animal-friendly friends:
Have a wonderful and animalfriendly
Christmas dinner 2015 without meat. '

Sandra Hermann Photography-Dubai and Barbara Schriek, both animal-activists are having their Christmas 2015 without meat.
Both are against consuming meat of animals who were abused. Most of the meat in the supermarkets and shops worldwide comes from abused and tortured animals who had a horrible, depressed and sad life before they got slaughtered only because human wants to eat (a lot of) (cheap) meat.
It is not necessary to eat a lot of meat.
Why human is having meat of so many animals to celebrate Christmas? Deer, rabbits, ducks, turkeys and geese are all coming from the industry where they had a horrible life in hell, in very small cages without light, like all the other cattle. They do not come from the wild or an organic farm. Or are you still believing this?
Do not close your eyes.
Do not think of your desire and your satisfaction only.
And do not forget the worldwide pollution,..

Your Christmas dinner is based on sadness, pain and deep despair. The meat is full of poison and sadness from the suffered animal.
This all comes in each and every cell of your body.
What you eat is what you are and become:
Poison and Sadness.

Be wise and think twice
before you have your (Christmas) dinner.

Happy Christmas dinner, Healthy 2016 &
Happy regards of Babbel, the lucky rabbit wink-emoticon

Selfportrait with Barbara and Babbel the rabbit, December 2015, at catcafe High Tea in Cat Heaven,' located at Villa 14 - 't Gooi

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