Or is it Bat-woman?

Or is it Bat-woman?
(Sandra loves bats as well and has taken care of them as well in the past).
Sandra has a (com)passion for ALL ANIMALS.

In Holland she is alw...ays ready helping birds, especially in the cold winters, when they cannot find enough food or in spring when a lot of baby-birds come into troubles when they leave their nest to early and still not able to fly. If she would have lived in Africa she would have rescued elephants and monkies.

Here a selfportrait with ' Satwa ', just an 'ordinary' baby city-pigeon she found on an evening in Satwa, a busy and old neighbourhood in Dubai. The baby-pigeon was lost and standing in the darkness and didn't know what to do and people were almost stepping on him. His eyes were infected and he could not see clear anymore.

Sandra saw the pigeon and understood his scream for help and took him immediately into her bag.
Lots of people were passing

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