Please rescue Dubai cats

Sandra Hermann Photography The Netherlands is in Jumeirah from 1st of May til 20th of May for photography and assisting her lady-friends with the sad situation of stray cats / dogs in UAE without future. If she or you can find people in Holland before her departure who are interested to adopt foster-cats / dogs, she is ready to travel back to Holland with the animals. Call her on: 050 870 23 25 or by PM here on FB.

Zijn er mensen in Nederland die een toekomstloos (zwerf)-katje of hond willen adopteren uit Dubai / UAE, neem contact op met Sandra Hermann Photography-Dubai via de prive berichten of bel direct met 00 971 50 870 23 25. De situatie van (zwerf)dieren in Dubai / UAE is dramatisch, wie wil helpen?

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